It used to be that you would have to use unwanted gift cards on items you really didn't need or you would just throw it in a drawer, never to be seen again. Not anymore! Now you can make money from selling your cards! Or you can swap them for cards you really do want! OR you can make it easy and sell your card in exchange for Amazon cards! I typed in a $25.00 Home Depot card and it gave me a value of $21.00 for an card! To change cards automatically into gift cards, just click the advertisement below!
If you want to sell or trade your gift cards, you can browse cards by starting here:
Plastic Jungle makes it possible to get what you really do want while helping others with your gift cards! This is the busiest time of year for Plastic Jungle and it's a great way to save money too by purchasing gift cards at 10% - 40% less than what you would normally pay for it!